
Our Committee members are all volunteers who are passionate about running and the development of the club. They have a wide range of running interests and abilities.

Neil Marsh – Chairman, Founder, Head Coach

I run for mental & physical health.  I wanted to start a running club to pay forward what I have got from running. I believe we can all use running to find community. It might be running but what you get from it is way more…

Jenna Harvey – Secretary

I run to challenge myself, stay healthy, and see friends. My aim is to incrementally progress; run faster and further, but the only competition is with myself!

I can be contacted at:

Clare Robinson – Treasurer

I enjoy social runs with friends, 10km or ultra marathon, trail or road, as long as it’s sociable and preferably with cake at the end, I’m in!

Scott McCarthy – Membership Secretary

I run to keep fit, and to give myself a chance to switch off.  I often say I’ve solved more problems while running than I ever would staring at a computer screen.
I Joined Hi Runners in 2021 and it’s a fantastic club and a great group of friends.  You should join us!

I can be contacted at:

Gavin Belsham – Fixtures

The social side of running is a key driver for me and I regularly convince friends to run adventure races with me. I recently completed by first triathlon and enjoyed the physical and mental challenge, plus the amount of time spent exploring different parts of the countryside! I find running a great way to relax after work and to meet new people at the same time.

Lucy Harrison – Kit Coordinator

I like running for the physical and mental challenge and I love being able to combine that with time with friends. My favourite kind of run is a social run where you hardly notice the distance because you’re too busy chatting!

I can be contacted at:

Nick White – Welfare Officer

Running for a club was my thing as a child. I rediscovered it in my 40s and HI Runners have inspired and encouraged me to do things I never thought I would, including triathlons and marathons. I run for health and wellbeing, friendships and self-discovery.  

I can be contacted at:

Heather Withers – Social Coordinator

Running has been such a positive influence on my life; it has helped improve my mental and physical wellbeing, strength, and self-belief and it has also given me some lovely running buddies. I like taking part in different events of varying distances, but also enjoy the social side of running and love doing a run with friends and having a chat over a coffee, and maybe even a bit of cake afterwards!

Wendy Johnson – Welfare Officer

I joined HI Runners nearly 2 years ago after following them on Facebook for a while. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I’m not a fast runner, but I never feel judged, everyone is encouraged to do the best they can on how they feel on the day. The social side of the club has given me more confidence in myself too.

Libby Newitt – Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

I took up running after my second baby, I had been diagnosed with PND after my first and it worried me that I was going to fall back into a dark place. Running gives me the head space I need to recharge and refocus. Joining HI Runners has given me such confidence and the ability to go from nothing to a marathon. I’m not your “typical” runner, but I have learnt no matter how fast or slow you go, getting out, putting one foot in front of the other means you are indeed a runner.

Annemarie Humphreys – DBS Verifier

Running has given me many things but most importantly it’s helped me with my mental and physical well-being.  I love nothing better than running with friends or on my own with some good music.  I love taking part in events of various distances and supporting other club members.